Section: New Results

Model Driven approach to mobile applications development

Cross-platform and multi-device design, implementation and deployment is a barrier for today's IT solution providers, especially SME providers, due to the high cost and technical complexity of targeting development to a wide spectrum of devices, which differ in format, interaction paradigm, and software architecture. Our work aims at exploiting the modern paradigm of Model-Driven Engineering and code generation to simplify multi-device development, reducing cost and development times, so as to increase the profit of SME solution providers and at the same time reduce the price and total cost of ownership for end-customers. In [22] we defined a Platform Independent Modeling language for mobile applications. The language has been defined as a mobile extension of an OMG standard called Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML). The research included also the development of an Eclipse-based modeling tool for mobile apps and the first prototypes of automatic code generators.